Kizua Mwangola: Part 10: Why I love Benguela

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We're through!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Awful game! I'm sure Mali and Malawi thought it wasn't cricket any more too, but hey - we probably would have lost on a real game. Now, lets see how we fare against the elephants.

Why I love Benguela

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Everyone is always asking me, but what makes you like Benguela so much. I thought perhaps a piece of photo-blogging would help. So here's my first part of Why I love Benguela:


Figure 1: Our brand spanking sidewalks. (c) Shahinara Craveiro


Figure 2: Loads of lovely public gardens. (c) Shahinara Craveiro


Figure 3: The new Ombaka stadium. (c) Shahinara Craveiro


Figure 4: The sunsets we get every day. (c) Shahinara Craveiro


Figure 5: The rush hour traffic. (c) Shahinara Craveiro


Figure 6: Great colonial architecture. (c) Shahinara Craveiro


Figure 7: Caotinha beach. (c) Shahinara Craveiro


Figure 8: Catumbela river. (c) Shahinara Craveiro


Figure 9: Local capoeira school. (c) Shahinara Craveiro

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