Nerd Food: Merging and Branching Procedures

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Historical context: this essay was written in the days of CVS and Subversion, prior to Git being the dominant VCS.

Monday, June 04, 2007

It seems version control is a popular topic again, thanks to the ever courteous Linus. If you haven't seen the talk he gave at Google, do watch it as it's quite interesting. Linus, in his usual so-offensive-its-funny style, criticises SVN to death. I got to say that I quite like SVN, perhaps because I've been forced to use ClearCase, SourceSafe, RCS and CVS for far too long. My only complaint with SVN has always been the terrible merging, something that Linus rightly criticises on his talk. The good news is it appears the most severe problems with merging will be fixed on the next SVN release.

Linus' talk did make me more aware of distributed version control though, but I'm not entirely convinced it would work in a commercial software house. After all, we already have a hard time with branches - let alone having multiple repositories…

All this talk about version control reminded me of a set of procedures for merging and branching I once wrote. I can't take all the credit, of course, since my good friends Kevin and Chris - the ClearCase genius - fixed some mistakes and added important bits. Here is the procedure, in the hope that someone else may find it not entirely without merit. Apologies for the (lack of) indentation.

Merging and Branching

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