Nerd Food: On Evolutionary Methodology
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Unix's durability and adaptability have been nothing short of astonishing. Other technologies have come and gone like mayflies. Machines have increased a thousand-fold in power, languages have mutated, industry practice has gone through multiple revolutions - and Unix hangs in there, still producing, still paying the bills, and still commanding loyalty from many of the best and brightest software technologists on the planet. – ESR
Unix…is not so much a product as it is a painstakingly compiled oral history of the hacker subculture. – Neal Stephenson
The Impossibly Scalable System
If development in general is an art or a craft, its finest hour is perhaps the maintenance of existing systems which have high availability requirements but are still experiencing high rates of change. As we covered previously, maintenance in general is a task much neglected in the majority of commercial shops, and many products suffer from entropic development; that is, the piling on of changes which continuously raise the complexity bar, up to a point where it is no longer cost-effective to continue running the existing system. The word "legacy" is in itself filled with predestination, implying old systems cannot avoid time-decay and will eventually rot into oblivion.
The story is rather different when one looks at a few successful Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) systems out there. For starters, "legacy" is not something one often hears on that side of the fence; projects are either maintained or not maintained, and can freely flip from one state to the other. Age is not only not a bad thing, but, in many cases, it is a remarkable advantage. Many projects that survived their first decade are now stronger than ever: the Linux kernel,, Samba, Postgresql, Apache, gcc, gdb, subversion, GTK, and many, many others. Some, like Wine, took a decade to mature and are now showing great promise.
Each of these old timers has its fair share of lessons to teach, all of them incredibly valuable; but the project I'm particularly interested in is the Linux kernel. I'll abbreviate it to Linux or "the kernel" from now on.
As published recently in a study by Kroah-Hartman, Corbet and McPherson, the kernel suffers a daily onslaught of unimaginable proportions. Recent kernels are a joint effort of thousands of kernel hackers in dozens of countries, a fair portion of which working or well over 100 companies. On average, these developers added or modified around 5K lines per day during the 2.6.24 release cycle and, crucially, removed some 1.5K lines per day - and "day" here includes weekends too. Kernel development is carried out in hundreds of different kernel trees, and the merge paths between these trees obeys no strictly enforced rules - it does follow convention, but rules get bent when the situation requires it.
It is incredibly difficult to convey in words just how much of a technical and social achievement the kernel is, but one is still compelled to try. The absolute master of scalability, it ranges from the tiniest embedded processor with no MMU to the largest of the large systems - some spanning as many as 4096 processors - and covering pretty much everything else in between: mobile phones, Set-Top Boxes (STBs), game consoles, PCs, large severs, supercomputers. It supports more hardware architectures than any other kernel ever engineered, a number which seemingly keeps on growing at the same rate new hardware is being invented. Linux is increasingly the kernel of choice for new architectures, mainly because it is extremely easy to port. Even real time - long considered the unassailable domain of special purpose - is beginning to cave in, unable to resist the relentless march of the penguin. And the same is happening in many other niches.
The most amazing thing about Linux may not even be its current state, but its pace, as clearly demonstrated by Kroah-Hartman, Corbet and McPherson's analysis of kernel source size: it has displayed a near constant growth rate between 2.6.11 and 2.6.24, hovering at around 10% a year. Figures on this scale can only be supported by a catalytic development process. And in effect, that is what Linux provides: by getting better it implicitly lowers the entry barrier to new adopters, which find it closer and closer to their needs; thus more and more people join in and fix what they perceive to be the limitations of the kernel, making it even more accessible to the next batch of adopters.
Although some won't admit it now, the truth is none of the practitioners or academicians believed that such a system could ever be delivered. After all, Linux commits every single schoolboy error: started by an "inexperienced" undergrad, it did not have much of an upfront design, architecture and purpose; it originally had the firm objective of supporting only a single processor on x86; it follows the age-old monolithic approach rather than the "established" micro-kernel; it is written in C instead of a modern, object-oriented language; its processes appear to be haphazard, including a clear disregard for Brook's law; it lacks a rigorous Q&A process and until very recently even a basic kernel debugger; version control was first introduced over a decade after the project was started; there is no clear commercial (or even centralised) ownership; there is no "vision" and no centralised decision making (Linus may be the final arbiter, but he relies on the opinions of a lot of people). The list continues ad infinitum.
And yet, against all expert advice, against all odds, Linux is the little kernel that could. If one were to write a spec covering the capabilities of vanilla 2.6.25, it would run thousands of pages long; its cost would be monstrous; and no company or government department would dare to take on such an immense undertaking. Whichever way you look at it, Linux is a software engineering singularity.
But how on earth can Linux work at all, and how did it make it thus far?
Linus' Way
I'm basically a very lazy person who likes to get credit for things other people actually do. – Linus Torvalds
The engine of Linux's growth is deeply rooted in the kernel's methodology of software development, but it manifests itself as a set of core values - a culture. As with any other school of thought, not all kernel hackers share all values, but the group as a whole displays some obvious homogeneous characteristics. These we shall call Linus' Way, and are loosely summarised below (apologies for some redundancy, but some aspects are very interrelated).
Small is beautiful
- Design is only useful on the small scale; there is no need to worry about the big picture - if anything, worrying about the big picture is considered harmful. Focus on the little decisions and ensure they are done correctly. From these, a system will emerge that appears to have had a grand design and purpose.
- At a small scale, do not spend too long designing and do not be overambitious. Rapid prototyping is the key. Think simple and do not over design. If you spend too much time thinking about all the possible permutations and solutions, you will create messy and unmaintainable code which will very likely going to be wrong. Best implement a small subset of functionality that works well, is easy to understand and can be evolved over time to cover any additional requirements.
Show me the Code
- Experimentation is much more important than theory by several orders of magnitude. You may know everything there is to know about coding practice and theory, but your opinion will only be heard if you have solid code in the wild to back it up.
- Specifications and class diagrams are frowned upon; you can do them for your own benefit, but they won't sell any ideas by themselves.
- Coding is a messy business and is full of compromises. Accept that and get on with it. Do not search for perfection before showing code to a wider audience. Better to have a crap system (sub-system, module, algorithm, etc.) that works somewhat today than a perfect one in a year or two. Crap systems can be made slightly less crappy; vapourware has no redeeming features.
- Merit is important, and merit is measured by code. Your ability to do boring tasks well can also earn a lot of brownie points (testing, documentation, bug hunting, etc.) and will have a large positive impact on your status. The more you are known and trusted in the community, the easier it will be for you to merge new code in and the more responsibilities you will end up having. Nothing is more important than merit as gauged by the previous indicators; it matters not what position you hold on your company, how important your company is or how many billions of dollars are at stake - nor does it matter how many academic titles you hold. However, past actions do not last forever: you must continue to talk sense to have the support of the community.
- Testing is crucial, but not just in the conventional sense. The key is to release things into a wider population ("Release early, release often"). The more exposure code has the more likely bugs will be found and fixed. As ESR put it, "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow" (dubbed Linus' law). Conventional testing is also welcome (the more the merrier), but its no substitute for releasing into the wild.
- Read the source, Luke. The latest code is the only authoritative and unambiguous source of understanding. This attitude does not in anyway devalue additional documentation; it just means that the kernel's source code overrides any such document. Thus there is a great impetus in making code readable, easy to understand and conformant to standards. It is also very much in line with Jack Reeve's view that source code is the only real specification a software system has.
- Make it work first, then make it better. When taking on existing code, one should always first make it work as intended by the original coders; then a set of cleanup patches can be written to make it better. Never start by rewriting existing code.
No sacred cows
- anything related to the kernel can change, including processes, code, tools, fundamental algorithms, interfaces, people. Nothing is done "just because". Everything can be improved, and no change is deemed too risky. It may have to be scheduled, and it may take a long time to be merged in; but if a change is of "good taste" and, when required, provided the originator displays the traits of a good maintainer, it will eventually be accepted. Nothing can stand on the way of progress.
- As a kernel hacker, you have no doubts that you are right - but actively you encourage others to prove you wrong and accept their findings once they have been a) implemented (a prototype would do, as long as it is complete enough for the purpose) b) peer reviewed and validated. In the majority of cases you gracefully accept defeat. This may imply a turn-around of 180 degrees; Linus has done this on many occasions.
- Processes are made to serve development. When a process is found wanting - regardless of how ingrained it is or how useful it has been in the past - it can and will be changed. This is often done very aggressively. Processes only exist while they provide visible benefits to developers or, in very few cases, due to external requirements (ownership attribution comes to mind). Processes are continuously fine-tuned so that they add the smallest possible amount of overhead to real work. A process that improves things dramatically but adds a large overhead is not accepted until the overhead is shaved off to the bare bone.
- Must fit the development model - the development model should not have to change to fit tools;
- Must not dumb down developers (i.e. debuggers); a tool must be an aid and never a replacement for hard-thinking;
- Must be incredibly flexible; ease of use can never come at the expense of raw, unadultered power;
- Must not force everyone else to use that tool; some exceptions can be made, but on the whole a tool should not add dependencies. Developers should be free to develop with whatever tools they know best.
The Lieutenants
One may come up with clever ways of doing things, and even provide conclusive experimental evidence on how a change would improve matters; however, if one's change will disrupt existing code and requires specialised knowledge, then it is important to display the characteristics of a good maintainer in order to get the changes merged in. Some of these traits are:
- Good understanding of kernel's processes;
- Good social interaction: an ability to listen to other kernel hackers, and be ready to change your code;
- An ability to do boring tasks well, such as patch reviews and integration work;
- An understanding of how to implement disruptive changes, striving to contain disruption to the absolute minimum and a deep understanding of fault isolation.
Patches have been used for eons. However, the kernel fine-tuned the notion to the extreme, putting it at the very core of software development. Thus all changes to be merged in are split into patches and each patch has a fairly concise objective, against which a review can be performed. This has forced all kernel hackers to think in terms of patches, making changes smaller and concise, and splitting scaffolding and clean up work and decoupling features from each other. The end result is a ridiculously large amount of positive externalities - unanticipated side-effects - such as technologies that get developed for one purpose but uses that were never dreamt of by their creator. The benefits of this approach are far too great to discuss here but hopefully we'll have a dedicated article on the subject.
- Keep politics out. The vast majority of decisions are taken on technical merits alone, and very rarely for political reasons. Some times the two coincide (such as the dislike for binary modules in the kernel), but one must not forget that the key driver is always the technical reasoning. For instance, the kernel uses the GNU GPL v2 purely because its the best way to ensure its openness, a key building block of the development process.
- Experience trumps fashion. Whenever choosing an approach or a technology, kernel hackers tend to go for the beaten track rather than new and exciting ones. This is not to say there is no innovation in the kernel; but innovators have the onus of proving that their approach is better. After all, there is a solid body of over 30 years of experience in developing UNIX kernels; its best to stand on the shoulders of giants whenever possible.
- An aggressive attitude towards bad code, or code that does not follow the standards. People attempting to add bad code are told so in no uncertain terms, in full public view. This discourages many a developer, but also ensures that the entry bar is raised to avoid lowering the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio.
If there ever was a single word that could describe a kernel hacker, that word would have to be "pragmatic". A kernel hacker sees development as a hard activity that should remain hard. Any other view of the world would result in lower quality code.
Navigating Complexity
Linus has stated in many occasions he is a big believer of development by evolution rather than the more traditional methodologies. In a way, he is the father of the evolutionary approach when applied to software design and maintenance. I'll just call this the evolutionary methodology (EM) by want of a better name. EM's properties make it strikingly different from everything that has preceded it. In particular, it appears to remove most forms of centralised control. For instance:
- It does not allow you to know where you're heading in the long run; all it can tell you is that if you're currently on a favourable state, a small, gradual increment is likely to take you to another, slightly more favourable state. When measured in a large timescale it will appear as if you have designed the system as a whole with a clear direction; in reality, this "clearness" is an emergent property (a side-effect) of thousands or small decisions.
- It exploits parallelism by trying lots of different gradual increments in lots of members of its population and selecting the ones which appear to be the most promising.
- It favours promiscuity (or diversity): code coming from anywhere can intermix with any other code.
But how exactly does EM work? And why does it seem to be better than the traditional approaches? The search for these answers takes us right back to the fundamentals. And by "fundamentals", I really mean the absolute fundamentals - you'll have to grin and bear, I'm afraid. I'll attempt to borrow some ideas from Popper, Taleb, and Dawkins to make the argument less nonsensical.
That which we call reality can be imagined as a space with a really, really large number of variables. Just how large one cannot know, as the number of variables is unknowable - it could even be infinite - and it is subject to change (new variables can be created; existing ones can be destroyed, and so on). With regards to the variables themselves, they change value every so often but this frequency varies; some change so slowly they could be better describbed as constants, others so rapidly they cannot be measured. And the frequency itself can be subject to change.
When seen over time, these variables are curves, and reality is the space where all these curves live. To make matters more interesting, changes on one variable can cause changes to other variables, which in turn can also change other variables and so on. The changes can take many forms and display subtle correlations.
As you can see, reality is the stuff of pure, unadulterated complexity and thus, by definition, any attempt to describe it in its entirety cannot be accurate. However, this simple view suffices for the purposes of our exercise.
Now imagine, if you will, a model. A model is effectively a) the grabbing of a small subset of variables detected in reality; b) the analysis of the behaviour of these variables over time; c) the issuing of statements regarding their behaviour - statements which have not been proven to be false during the analysis period; d) the validation of the models predictions against past events (calibration). Where the model is found wanting, it needs to be changed to accommodate the new data. This may mean adding new variables, removing existing ones that were not found useful, tweaking variables, and so on. Rinse, repeat. These are very much the basics of the scientific method.
Models are rather fragile things, and its easy to demonstrate empirically why. First and foremost, they will always be incomplete; exactly how incomplete one cannot know. You never know when you are going to end outside the model until you are there, so it must be treated with distrust. Second, the longer it takes you to create a model - a period during which validation is severely impaired - the higher the likelihood of it being wrong when its "finished". For very much the same reasons, the larger the changes you make in one go, the higher the likelihood of breaking the model. Thirdly, the longer a model has been producing correct results, the higher the probability that the next result will be correct. But the exact probability cannot be known. Finally, a model must endure constant change to remain useful - it may have to change as frequently as the behaviour of the variables it models.
In such an environment, one has no option but to leave certainty and absolutes behind. It is just not possible to "prove" anything, because there is a large component of randomness and unknown-ability that cannot be removed. Reality is a messy affair. The only certainty one can hold on to is that of fallibility: a statement is held to be possibly true until proven false. Nothing else can be said. In addition, empiricism is highly favoured here; that is, the ability to look at the data, formulate an hypothesis without too much theoretical background and put it to the test in the wild.
So how does this relate to code? Well, every software system ever designed is a model. Source code is nothing but a set of statements regarding variables and the rules and relationships that bind them. It may model conceptual things or physical things - but they all inhabit a reality similar to the one described above. Software systems have become increasingly complex over time - in other words, taking on more and more variables. An operative system such as multics, deemed phenomenally complex for its time, would be considered normal by today's standards - even taking into account the difficult environment at the time with non-standard hardware, lack of experience on that problem domain, and so on.
In effect, it is this increase in complexity that breaks down older software development methodologies. For example, the waterfall method is not "wrong" per se; it can work extremely well in a problem domain that covers a small number of variables which are not expected to change very often. You can still use it today to create perfectly valid systems, just as long as these caveats apply. The same can be said for the iterative model, with its focus on rapid cycles of design, implementation and testing. It certainly copes with much larger (and faster moving) problem domains than the waterfall model, but it too breaks down as we start cranking up the complexity dial. There is a point where your development cycles cannot be made any smaller, testers cannot augment their coverage, etc. EM, however, is at its best in absurdly complex problem domains - places where no other methodology could aim to go.
In short, EM's greatest advantages in taming complexity are as follows:
- Move from one known good point to another known good point. Patches are the key here, since they provide us with small units of reviewable code that can be checked by any experienced developer with a bit of time. By forcing all changes to be split into manageable patches, developers are forced to think in terms of small, incremental changes. This is precisely the sort of behaviour one would want in a complex environment.
- Validate, validate and then validate some more. In other words, Release Early, Release Often. Whilst Linus has allowed testing and Q&A infrastructure to be put in place by interested parties, the main emphasis has always been placed in putting code out there in the wild as quickly as possible. The incredibly diverse environments on which the kernel runs provide a very harsh and unforgiving validation that brings out a great number of bugs that could not have possibly been found otherwise.
- No one knows what the right thing is, so try as many possible avenues as possible simultaneously. Diversity is the key, not only in terms of hardware (number of architectures, endless permutations within the same architecture, etc.), but also in terms of agendas. Everyone involved in Linux development has their own agenda and is working towards their own goal. These individual requirements, many times conflicting, go through the kernel development process and end up being converted into a number of fundamental architectural changes (in the design sense, not the hardware sense) that effectively are the superset of all requirements, and provide the building blocks needed to implement them. The process of integrating a large change to the kernel can take a very long time, and be broken into a sequence of never ending patches; but many a time it has been found that one patch that adds infrastructure for a given feature also provides a much better way of doing things in parts of the kernel that are entirely unrelated.
Not only does EM manage complexity really well but it actually thrives on it. The pulling of the code base in multiple directions makes it stronger because it forces it to be really plastic and maintainable. It should also be quite clear by now that EM can only be deployed successfully under somewhat limited (but well defined) circumstances, and it requires a very strong commitment to openness. It is important to build a community to generate the diversity that propels development, otherwise its nothing but the iterative method in disguise done out in the open. And building a community entails relinquishing the traditional notions of ownership; people have to feel empowered if one is to maximise their contributions. Furthermore, it is almost impossible to direct this engine to attain specific goals - conventional software companies would struggle to understand this way of thinking.
Just to be clear, I would like to stress the point: it is not right to say that the methodologies that put emphasis on design and centralised control are wrong, just like a hammer is not a bad tool. Moreover, its futile to promote one programming paradigm over another, such as Object-Orientation over Procedural programming; One may be superior to the other on the small, but on the large - the real world - they cannot by themselves make any significant difference (class libraries, however, are an entirely different beast).
I'm not sure if there was ever any doubt; but to me, the kernel proves conclusively that the human factor dwarfs any other in the production of large scale software.
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