Computational Neuroscience

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On my copious free time, I like to learn a little bit about computational neuroscience. At one point I even considered doing my PhD in this field, before realising my lack of knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics was a bit of an impediment. Nonetheless, I still like learning and writing about the subject.

Other people's material

My main a hero in this field is Jeff Hawkins (he of Palm fame), and I highly recommend both of his books, which target laypeople like me and are at the "popular science" level.

If you are interested in more "serious" academic material (but still introductory), I also recommend:

My material

All of the material I have written is at the interested layperson level.

Neurons for Computer Geeks

This is a series of blog posts that attempts to introduce all concepts necessary to understand one of the the simplest models of a neuron: LIF. The series never quite finished but it may still prove useful to anyone trying to get a basic overview of what neurons are, and how one would go about modeling them.

Part Title Date Description
I A Neuron From Up On High Monday, August 31, 2015 General overview of the neuron cell.
II The Shocking Complexity of Electricity Monday, August 31, 2015 Overview of key electrical terms.
III Coding Interlude Friday, September 04, 2015 We start a project to contain the models.
IV More Electricity Saturday, September 05, 2015 We resume our journey into core electrical concepts.
V Yet More Theory Monday, September 07, 2015 We now discuss the mathematical modeling of neurons.
VI LIF At Long Last! Wednesday, September 16, 2015 All the concepts are brought together in the LIF models.

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