Marco Craveiro's Home Page

benguela-baia-azul-2022.png Baía Azul, Benguela, Angola. (C) 2022 Casal Sampaio


Welcome to my website. Over the years I've accumulated quite a large amount of assorted content, in various different platforms, and begun to lose track of it. In order to bring some kind of order to the chaos, I decided to republish all of this material under a single home, using the tools I love - e.g., emacs, org-mode, git and the like. I'm not entirely sure you will find anything particularly amazing around here, but have a browse. If you need to know more about me, see the about page.


The site is organised rather like a wiki, instead of having the more traditional "blog posts" feel. Some of the stuff is very old and was originally published in my blog in blogger — though these days I very much prefer writing and publishing directly in org-mode, and thus my blog has died a slow death. My main topics of interest are — in no particular order of importance — Angola, Finance, Programming, Computational Neuroscience and Football — Vitória Futebol Clube. There may be other topics here too.

Title Topic Description
Dogen Programming Dogen is a code-generator I am developing as part of PhD.
Cunene Programming Cunene is my personal configuration for Emacs.
General Model Theory Philosophy In my spare time, I am trying to translate Stachowiak's work to English.
Developer sites Programming I occasionally create questions and answers in developer sites.
Interesting Various, Programming Assorted bookmarks on stuff I bump into.
Twitter threads Various Now I found out you can unroll them, started to create links to these.
Notebook of a Return to My Native Land Angola Diary of my return to Angola in 2006, for the first time in 25 years.
Kizua Mwangola Angola Diary of my second trip to Angola in 2009, not quite as detailed as the first one but with more pictures.
Nerd Food Programming Collected essays on programming.
Computational Neuroscience Computational neuroscience, programming Assorted texts on computational neuroscience.

Site Tooling

The site is kept intentionally very simple — just a set of org-mode files, exported to HTML using org-publish. We alternate the CSS somewhat; at present we have settled on "CSS for Org-exported HTML" by Zhitao Gong.

Social Media

You may find me in several social media platforms, though I am not the most prolific of posters. Also, this site does not support user commentary, so if for whatever reason you feel the need to reach out, your best bet is to find me on Twitter.

Platform Profile
Micro-blogging Twitter, Instagram
Development GitHub, GitLab
Other LinkedIn
Videos YouTube

Emacs 29.1 (Org mode 9.6.6)